
Quick and painless ways to kill yourself

Quick and painless ways to commit suicide and kill yourself without any pain. Our service offers working solutions for painless death.

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How to kill yourself

The best way to commit suicide is to breathe inert gas
Have you decided to commit suicide but don’t know how? Then we go to you!

The international community of fighters for the right to death recommends the use of nitrogen or inert gas for committing suicide, as it is a reliable, quick and painless method of suicide. To die easily and quickly in this way, you need to do the following:

1) Buy a gas cylinder. Nitrogen is the cheapest. But if you want to talk in a funny voice before dying or decorate the room with balloons, then buy helium. One 20-liter cylinder under a pressure of 150 atm should be enough for the eyes. If you can only buy a low pressure canister, it is better to take two and use them at the same time, connected with a T-tube.

2) Buy a hose and a gas flow regulator. The recommended gas flow rate is 15 liters per minute.

3) Construct a bag with an adjustable drawstring. Take a plastic bag without holes of a suitable size (so that the head fits freely). Bend its edge outward by a couple of centimeters and glue this edge with tape around the entire circumference of the bag. It turns out that on the edge of the bag you have a double layer, inside which you can stick a rope. Make a small incision on this double layer and insert the rope there (well, or you could have put the rope earlier – before bending the edge of the bag). You also need to peel off some plastic crap from some clothes, which allows you to adjust the tightening of the rope. Such crap is often found on jackets, especially hoods. I do not know what they are called, and I could not google it.

4) Attach the end of the hose with tape from the inside at the very bottom of the bag. That is, from the top, since the package will be located upside down. There is no need to make any holes in the hose bag. The hose enters the package from the bottom.

5) Connect the hose to the regulator and the regulator to the gas cylinder.

6) Put the bag on your head like a shower cap – that is, it does not cover your face yet. Tighten the rope so that the bag does not fall off. Release air from the bag by flattening it with your hands. Turn on the gas. When the bag is full of gas, breathe out deeply and lower the bag entirely onto your head. Adjust the rope so that it does not tighten on your neck. Your finger should fit easily between the bag and your neck. Breathe calmly in a comfortable chair or bed. In about half a minute you will lose consciousness, and in 10-15 minutes you will die – of course, if some “kind soul” does not take the package off you.

Operating principle

Nitrogen and helium are completely non-toxic. Death occurs due to lack of oxygen. You do not experience any suffocation (as when hanging), since in a person it occurs not due to a lack of oxygen, but due to an excess of carbon dioxide. And this excess does not happen, as you continue to breathe and exhale carbon dioxide.